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Ohio 2020: Statistical Dead-heat with Biden, Sanders, and Warren in Democratic Primary

A new poll of Ohio voters finds a very competitive Democratic primary between former Vice President Joe Biden at 29%, Sen. Bernie Sanders at 27% and Sen. Elizabeth Warren at…

November 2019 National Poll: Support for Impeachment Declines; Biden and Sanders Lead Democratic Primary

…of voters. A plurality (26%) is getting their information from Fox News, 24% are getting their information from 1 of the 3 network stations (ABC, NBC, CBS), 16% are watching…

Nevada 2024 Poll: Trump with 65 Point Lead in Republican Party-Held Caucus

…competitor, Ron DeSantis, in the Republican Party-run presidential caucus, 73% to 8%. Six percent support Vivek Ramaswamy, 4% support Chris Christie, and 1% Ryan Binkley. Eight percent are undecided. “With…

Las Vegas 2024 Mayoral Primary Poll: Berkley 16%, Seaman 12%, Crear 7%

…24% from Republicans in Las Vegas. Additionally, a significant 70% of independent voters remain undecided. Despite 56% of voters overall yet to make a decision, this contest appears to be…

California 2024 Poll: Schiff Continues to Lead U.S. Senate Primary with 28%

…Since January, Schiff’s support has increased by three points, from 25% to 28%, Garvey’s support increased by four points, from 18% to 22%, and Porter’s support increased by three points,…

California 2024 U.S. Senate Poll: Schiff 28%, Garvey 20%, Porter 17%; 17% undecided

The final Emerson College Polling/Inside California Politics/The Hill California poll finds Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff maintaining a lead in the primary for U.S. Senate with 28%, followed by Republican former…

September 2024 Virginia Poll: Harris 52%, Trump 44%

…Hung Cao by ten points, 51% to 41%, with 6% undecided. Kaine has maintained a ten-point lead since the July poll, when he led Cao 49% to 39%.  The economy…

New Mexico 2020: Democrats Strong in the Land of Enchantment, but Split Between Sanders and Biden for Nomination

…the vote from those 18-29, and 36% from those 30-49. His numbers drop among those 50-64, taking 22% of that vote, and bottoms out with those over 65 at 7%….

Rochester Mayor Race: Spouse Arrest May Help Incumbent Mayor

…likely voters remain undecided.  A look inside the numbers reveals that amongst very likely voters, Evans leads only slightly, 46% to 45%, while among those somewhat likely to vote Evans…