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West Virginia 2024 Poll: Sen. Manchin Faces Uphill Battle Against Gov. Justice, but Leads Rep. Mooney

…13% plan to vote for someone else and 5% are undecided. A majority of Trump voters do not plan to change their mind when it comes to who to vote…

New Jersey 2025 Poll: Primary Elections for Governor Show High Share of Undecideds and Fragmented Democratic Support 

…New Jersey public and charter schools is widely supported: 74% support, 10% oppose, and 16% are neutral. Free kindergarten has the highest support among Democrats at 86%, compared to 67%…

July 2020 National Poll: Biden Maintains Lead in Presidential Race; Majority Support Nationwide Mask Mandate in Public Spaces

…declined from 10% to 4%. A majority of voters, 53%, still think Trump will be re-elected in November.  With the safety concerns of voting in person due to COVID-19, a…

Virginia 2025 Poll: Spanberger (D) 42%, Earle-Sears (R) 41%

…followed by housing affordability (14%), healthcare (10%), education (8%), threats to democracy (8%), crime (7%), immigration (7%), and abortion access (5%).  A plurality of voters (41%) feel their community’s safety…

New Jersey 2020: Biden and Booker with Significant Leads in the Garden State

…of somewhat uncertainty, with 33%. Republican voters lead amongst those who reported they will have no confidence in the election results, with 11% compared to 8% of Independents and 2%…

Ted Budd Solidifies Frontrunner Status in US Senate GOP Primary

…male voters support Ted Budd compared to 39% supporting Cheri Beasley, while female voters are split: 45% support Budd and 44% support Beasley.” President Joe Biden holds a 45% approval…

Michigan 2020: Democrats Hold 10 Point Leads in Presidential and US Senate Races

…a minor to no threat are breaking for Trump. This is a consistent trend seen in the previous Emerson polls in Pennsylvania and New Hampshire. When it comes to voters’ plans for how…

Illinois 2022: Republican Voters are Undecided in Gubernatorial and Senate Primaries; Split on Abortion Legality

…a candidate if former President Donald Trump supports them.  “Both Bailey and Irvin would benefit from a Trump endorsement; however, Irvin also leads with voters who are less likely to…

Kentucky 2023 Poll: Beshear Holds 16-Point Lead Over Cameron in Gubernatorial Election

…neutral.  “While Biden is an unpopular figure among Kentucky voters, Beshear has been able to separate himself from the president: he holds a 66% approval rating within his own party,…