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…find some of these privacy policies here:   Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: and YouTube/Google: C. Business Transfers. We may share your information in connection with a substantial…

December 2019 National Poll: Biden and Sanders Pull Away from the Pack as Warren Falls

In the latest Emerson College/WHDH National Poll of the Democratic Primary, former Vice President Joe Biden leads at 32%, followed by Senator Bernie Sanders at 25%. Senator Elizabeth Warren comes…

Boston Mayoral Poll: Wu Leads Pack, Tight Race for Run-Off Spot

…19%, education with 16%, crime with 12% and healthcare with 10%. Other deciding issues included jobs with 8%, COVID-19 with 6%, and police reform, transportation, and the environment with 5%…

New York District 10 Primary Poll: Goldman Leads Pack While Niou, Rivera, and Jones Remain Top-Tier Contenders

…as the sample size is reduced. Data was collected using a cellphone sample using SMS-to-web, an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system of landlines, and an online panel. INTERACTIVE POLL REPORT…

Precisando el Voto Hispano en la Florida: El Partido Republicano es Igual de Favorable que el Partido Demócrata, y Visto Más Positivamente por Nueve Puntos Entre Hispanos en el Sur de la Florida

…“Creo que puede ser un producto de la forma en que dirigió el país, porque lo dirigía como un negocio. No fue como político, fue más en beneficio de nosotros,…

May 2022 National Poll: 50 Years After Kent State

…– Join us on Monday, May 4, 3 – 4 p.m   Zoom Event Info: Meeting ID: 933 3759 6806 email for password Dial in: +16465588656 Find your local number:…

Unlocking the Hispanic Vote Florida: Republican Party Just as Favorable as Democratic Party Among Florida Hispanics, Viewed Nine-Points More Positively in South Florida

…certain things and you don’t notice it, but they make packaging smaller, and you’re paying a higher price.” Several focus group members voiced concern over the economic toll on low-income…

Before the Economy Reopens, New Yorkers Need More Testing and Assurances of Safety in the Workplace – CUNY SPH COVID-19 Survey

…More than one in five (21%) believe there will no longer be a demand for their product or service when the economy reopens. About one in four who lost their…

Middle West Review and Emerson College Polling Launch Largest-ever Study on Midwestern Identity

…the study or to schedule interviews, contact Jon Lauck at  The complete results of the survey will be available at the Middle West Review website www.  Survey Methodology Emerson…