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March 2019 National Poll: Sanders Tied with Biden; O’Rourke Gets Post-Announcement Bump

Former Vice President Joe Biden and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders are tied at 26% in the most recent Emerson national poll. Sanders’ support has increased 9 points from the Emerson…

New Hampshire 2020 Tracking Poll Night 7: Debate Shifts Momentum for Candidates but Sanders Stays In Strong Position

…committed as 88% said they will definitely vote for him. Of the other top candidates, 64% of Warren supporters, 62% of Biden supporters, 56% of Klobuchar and 54% of Buttigieg…

Pennsylvania 2022 Poll: Oz Leads as Barnette Surges, McCormick Stays in Contention in Final Stage of GOP Senate Race

…vote at 28% compared to 13% of the female vote. While Oz holds a plurality of support in the primary, 48% of Republican primary voters have a somewhat or strongly…

Republican Congressional Candidate Holds Eleven-Point Lead Over Democrat in OH-15 Special Election

…their view of President Biden’s legitimacy in office: 58% of voters said they accept him as the legitimate president while 42% said they do not accept him as the legitimate…

NYC 2021: Adams Poised to be Next Mayor of NYC, Leading Sliwa by 40 Points

…safe or not safe at all. Twenty-four (24%) reported that they do not ride the NYC subway system. Twenty percent (20%) of females report feeling not at all safe compared…

New Mexico 2022: Democratic Governor Lujan Grisham Holds Five-Point Lead Over Ronchetti in Gubernatorial Election

…and 41% view Ronchetti unfavorably. Nine percent are unsure or have never heard of Ronchetti, compared to 2% who have not heard of or are neutral toward Lujan Grisham.  “Of…

April 2023 National Poll: Biden and Trump on Track for 2024 Rematch

…of 44% from 2013 to 2023.  “Male voters’ opinion of the NRA differs from women voters: 50% of men have a favorable view of the NRA compared to 39% of…

Colorado 2020: Sanders, Biden and Warren lead Democratic Field; Democrats look to gain Senate seat

A new Emerson Poll finds a very competitive primary shaping up for Super Tuesday 2020 in Colorado with Sen. Bernie Sanders at 26%, former VP Joe Biden at 25% and…

Louisiana 2019: Governor Within Margin of Victory

…does fall short of 50%, there is a competitive race to watch between Rispone and Abraham to determine who will challenge Edwards on November 16th.” Kimball went on to say…