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Majority of Americans find the US-UK alliance to be more important than it was five years ago

60% of Americans think the submarine deal between the US, UK, and Australia will positively affect global security A new Emerson College poll, commissioned by the Association of Marshall Scholars,…

Iowa 2024: Biden and Trump Remain Frontrunners In Caucuses, But Both Losing Ground

…been able to emerge as a clear alternative. Republicans saw DeSantis fall back into the pack, as the vote splintered amongst a crowded field, and Kennedy and Williamson have failed…

Iowa 2020: Biden and Sanders neck and neck in Democratic Field, Mayor Pete jumps to double digits

…reduced. Data was collected using both an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system of landlines only (n=424) and an online panel provided by Dynata (n=283). Follow us on Twitter ​@EmersonPolling…

Ohio, Texas, and California 2020: Trump with Narrow Leads in Ohio and Texas, but has Widespread Expectation of Being Re-elected

…and 43% are comfortable going to the gym with some spacing precautions. In Texas, 40% are comfortable going to a restaurant, 58% are comfortable going to the beach or a park,…

Spaniards More Hopeful than New Yorkers Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic

…Emerson College (Boston)/ Blanquerna School of Communication and International Relations Center for Global Communication, compares the new survey in Spain with surveys of the entire United States and of the…

Super Poll Sunday: Biden with Slight Lead over Trump in Pennsylvania; Maine’s Second District Competitive

…14% have Collins as their second choice, the rest list no one or someone else as their second choice candidate. The majority (54%) of Maine voters disapprove of the job…

Super Poll Sunday: Democrats within Striking Distance in Key Southern States

The final Emerson College poll before the November 3rd election finds North Carolina in a dead-heat, with former Vice President Joe Biden and President Donald Trump both at 47%. Six-percent…

South Carolina 2024: Trump Leads Haley in South Carolina by 29-points

…DeSantis has seen a decline in support, and similar to our New Hampshire poll has faded into the pack with single-digit support” Spencer Kimball, Executive Director of Emerson College Polling,…

California 20th District Poll: Fong Leads Race to Replace McCarthy; Plurality are Undecided

…which candidate they support to replace Representative Kevin McCarthy ahead of the March 5, 2024 primary. Republican Assemblyman Vince Fong leads the pack of candidates with the support of 27%…