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Montana 2024 Poll: Democratic Senator Jon Tester Holds Narrow Lead Over Republican Challenger Tim Sheehy
…by 11 points, with 38% compared to Biden’s 27%. Among women, Tester outperforms Biden by 15 points, with 46% compared to Biden’s 31%.” A majority of Trump voters (53%) say…
Arizona 2020: Toss-Ups in Presidential and Senate Races
…are, compared to only 12% of Democrats and 27% of Independents in favor of the status quo. 34% of Independents prefer the public option, compared to 31% of Democrats and…
Ohio 2024 Poll: Brown Tops Potential GOP Opponents in the U.S. Senate Race
…26% support Trump, and 10% are undecided. Those who voted “no” break for Trump 82% to 10%. Registered voters who did not vote last week break for Trump over Biden…
New Hampshire 2020: Sanders jumps to lead, Buttigieg surges while Warren and Biden slip
…with 10%. Looking within ideology, Sanders leads within those who are very liberal with 47% support, followed by Warren with 18%, Buttigieg with 12%, and Biden with 7%. Among those…
Iowa 2024 Poll: Trump Remains Frontrunner; Haley Ahead of DeSantis in Race for Distant Second Place
…female vote while Haley has 21% of the male vote and 20% of the female vote. “Trump has the support of the Iowa Republican evangelical community and the non-evangelical community,”…
Emerson College Polling Launches New Research Project: Unlocking the Hispanic Vote
…consists of a combination of focus groups and surveys, seeks to better understand Hispanic attitudes and beliefs towards voting, policy issues, politics, and media. Leer en español / Read in…
November 2022 National Poll: Biden’s Approval Remains Underwater As Majority of GOP Voters Support Trump As Republican Nominee for 2024
…should regulate Ticketmaster to allow for more competition in the marketplace. A plurality of voters (38%) think Congress should regulate Ticketmaster, 20% think they should not, 23% are unsure, and…
Colorado 2020: Sanders, Biden and Warren lead Democratic Field; Democrats look to gain Senate seat
A new Emerson Poll finds a very competitive primary shaping up for Super Tuesday 2020 in Colorado with Sen. Bernie Sanders at 26%, former VP Joe Biden at 25% and…