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March 2019 National Poll: Sanders Tied with Biden; O’Rourke Gets Post-Announcement Bump

…30-49 year olds with 30% support, while Biden leads among those 50-64 years old (39%) and 65 years or older (33%). Among those who supported Hillary Clinton in the 2016…

Massachusetts Public Opinion Survey of Vaccination Attitudes (July 2021)

…comparisons are made for categorical variables. A t-test is used in cases where comparisons are made for measurement variables. A Z-test is used in cases where comparisons are made between…

A Pesar De Las Dificultades Económicas, Los Hispanos de Arizona  se Adhieren al Partido Demócrata

…Hispano”, en Arizona. El proyecto utiliza una combinación de una encuesta estatal y una serie de grupos focales para comprender mejor las actitudes y creencias de los hispanos hacia la…

New Mexico 2020: Democrats Strong in the Land of Enchantment, but Split Between Sanders and Biden for Nomination

As New Mexico celebrates its 108th anniversary of statehood, a new Emerson College Poll finds New Mexico Democratic primary voters split between Senator Bernie Sanders at 28% and former V.P….

Encuesta Hispana de Nevada y Grupos Focales: La Pluralidad de Hispanos No Confían en los Demócratas o Republicanos para Manejar la Inflación

…de grupos focales para comprender las actitudes y creencias de los hispanos hacia los partidos políticos, asuntos de política, la votación y los medios de comunicación. El estudio de Nevada…

New Yorkers say: Don’t re-open the economy before June – CUNY SPH COVID-19 Survey Week 6

…commentary can be found at and JHC Impact, an initiative of the Journal of Health Communication: International Perspectives. Survey methodology: The CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy (CUNY…

Encuesta Hispana de Georgia y Grupos Focales: 33% de los Hispanos ven a Trump y Biden positivamente 

…una combinación de una encuesta estatal y una serie de grupos focales para comprender mejor las actitudes y creencias de los hispanos hacia los partidos políticos, asuntos de política, la…

January 2023 National Poll: Biden’s Approval Recovers Two Years into Term, Trump Maintains Lead over DeSantis in GOP Primary

…as the top issue facing the nation, compared to 33% of those in the Northeast, 45% of those in the Midwest, and 39% of those in the West. Voters in…

Before the Economy Reopens, New Yorkers Need More Testing and Assurances of Safety in the Workplace – CUNY SPH COVID-19 Survey

…money, since they were unable to meet the conditions. A further 16% are waiting to hear the status of their applications.  The complete survey results and related commentary can be…