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New Hampshire 2020: Sanders jumps to lead, Buttigieg surges while Warren and Biden slip

…set in their current choice. Sanders supporters are the most committed to their candidate, with 65% saying they will definitely vote for the Vermont Senator. Warren supporters follow, with 47%…

April 2020 National Poll: Trump Down But Not Out, as Enthusiasm and Expectation Favor the President

…month’s poll, where Biden led Trump 53% to 47%. Ten-percent (10%) of voters said they were undecided, but when asked to choose a candidate they were leaning towards, undecided voters…

Super Poll Sunday: Biden with Slight Lead over Trump in Pennsylvania; Maine’s Second District Competitive

…independent Max Linn. Four percent are undecided and one percent plan to vote for someone else.  Among Savage and Linn supporters, 61% choose Gideon as their second choice while just…

New Hampshire 2024: DeSantis Fades, Trump Maintains Lead in Primary

…Hampshire in comparison to Massachusetts splits by party registration; 77% of Republican voters say New Hampshire was a much better place to live than Massachusetts, compared to 41% of Democrats…

Economic Toll Weighs Heavy on Colorado Hispanics, Poll and Focus Groups Find

…community for survey respondents at 14%. Non-registered citizens in the survey were more likely to report housing and crime as pressing problems facing their communities compared to voters. A 62-year-old…

Nevada Hispanic Poll & Focus Groups: Plurality of Hispanics Do Not Trust Democrats or Republicans To Handle Inflation

BOSTON, MA (August 11, 2022) — Today, Emerson College Polling releases the fourth installment of its research initiative, “Unlocking the Hispanic Vote,” in Nevada. The project uses a combination of…

California 2020: Sanders Positioned to Capture California on Super Tuesday

…Former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who dropped out Sunday evening, was at 7%, and Businessman Tom Steyer, who dropped out late Saturday evening, was at 2%. Compared to the…

February 2021 National Poll: America Giving Biden a Chance; Split on Trump Impeachment

…19% saying they are neutral. Despite Biden’s relatively high approval, a majority (54%) state they believe things are on the wrong track in the country, compared to 46% who believe…

August 2019 National Poll: Sanders Closing Gap with Biden; Mayor Pete Fades

…36% support of those under the age of 50 compared to 11% support among those 50 and over. Biden, on the other hand, has the support of 21% of those…