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August 2024 National Poll: Harris 50%, Trump 46%

…the overall share of likely voters motivated to vote had little movement, Black voters who say they are ‘extremely’ or ‘very’ motivated to vote this November increased eleven points, from…

Indiana September 2024 Poll: Trump 57%, Harris 40%

…in 2024, while 40% support Vice President Kamala Harris. Two percent are undecided.  “The presidential race in Indiana reflects 2020, with the same share of voters supporting Trump now than…

November 2024 Ohio Poll: Trump 54%, Harris 42%

…support increased by four points, while the share of undecided voters decreased from 10% to 6%.  “Eight percent of voters are splitting their ticket—2% of Harris voters while 6% of…

July 2019 National Poll: Biden Extends Support While Bernie Bounces Back

…46% unfavorable opinion. The House “squad,” consisting of Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Illan Omar and Ayanna Pressley share this image problem. Ocasio-Cortez is at 30% favorable and 47% unfavorable,…

Louisiana 2019: Governor Within Margin of Victory

…of the undecided vote, which combined with his base vote moves him from 46% to 48%. Both Rispone and Abraham’s vote share increase by one percent, when the undecided voters…

Iowa 2020: Sanders On Top Going Into Caucus Night

…in the last three days, while 23% said sometime within the last week. Warren, Buttigieg, and Yang share the same percentage of supporters who settled on their favorite candidate within…

Spaniards More Hopeful than New Yorkers Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic

…in the last few weeks. Dr. Gregory Payne, co-director of the Center for Global Communication notes that “while difficult to compare cross-cultures, Spain and New York share similar circumstances in…

NYC Congressional Polls: Voters Not Sold on DeBlasio in NY10; Maloney Has 10-point Lead Over Nadler in NY12

…the job that DeBlasio did as Mayor of New York City, while 64% disapprove. The high share of undecided voters are unlikely to turn towards DeBlasio as 69% of undecided…

Emerson College Polling Launches New Research Project: Unlocking the Hispanic Vote

…many shared the sentiment that since prices were lower during the Trump administration, he was better for the economy. Regarding immigration, the Spanish and English-speaking voter focus groups viewed the…