Democratic Statewide Candidates Hold Edge Over Republican Candidates The final Emerson College Polling/The Hill swing…

Democrats Maintain Lead over Republicans in Five Senate Races New Emerson College Polling/The Hill swing…

Baldwin 45%, Hovde 42% A new Emerson College Polling/The Hill survey of Wisconsin voters finds…

Incumbent Democratic Sen. Baldwin Leads Potential GOP Opponent Hovde, 46% to 39% A new Emerson…

A new Emerson College Polling survey in Wisconsin finds former President Donald Trump and President…

The final Emerson College Polling/WFRV-TV/The Hill survey of the Wisconsin November general election finds Republican…

Republican Sen. Ron Johnson Leads Mandela Barnes By Four; Democratic Governor Tony Evers in Two…

Emerson College Polling’s final survey of Republican primary voters in Wisconsin finds former Lieutenant Governor…

The final Emerson College poll before the November 3rd election finds the former Vice President…