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Wisconsin 2024 Poll: Trump and Biden on Track for Another Close Election

…the candidates stole the elections. A majority (61%) think Trump’s 2016 victory was won fair and square, while 18% think he stole the election. When it comes to 2020, a…

Pennsylvania 2022 Poll: Oz Leads as Barnette Surges, McCormick Stays in Contention in Final Stage of GOP Senate Race

…for U.S. Senate and Governor. In the primary race for US Senate, Mehmet Oz holds 28% support, followed by Kathy Barnette with 24%, and David McCormick with 21%. Fifteen percent…

Wisconsin 2020: Biden Maintains Seven-Point Lead

A new Emerson College/NewsNation battleground state poll of Wisconsin shows former Vice-President Joe Biden with a seven-point lead at 51% among likely voters, compared to President Donald Trump who is…

New Hampshire 2020: Biden Leads Trump; Independents Splitting Their Ticket

…Biden, 54% to 43%.  An enthusiasm gap is seen between candidates, as three-quarters of Trump voters (75%) report being extremely excited compared to only 45% of Biden voters that say…

Pennsylvania 2020: Biden Holds Edge in Home State; Trump Closing Gap

…Biden supporters, 84% think Coronavirus is a major threat and 15% said it was a moderate threat, compared to 15% of President Trump supporters who said it was a major…

Iowa 2024 Poll: Trump Maintains Support, Haley Catches DeSantis For Second Place

…difference) as compared with males who break for Trump 53% to 15% (38 point difference) for Haley.” Trump’s base remains strong among voters without a college degree with 58%, whereas…

Republican Congressional Candidate Holds Eleven-Point Lead Over Democrat in OH-15 Special Election

…among Republicans, at 28%, while a plurality (45%) of Democrats said healthcare was their top priority. Regarding the corruption case surrounding House Bill 6, a combined 51% are very familiar…

NYC 2021: Adams Poised to be Next Mayor of NYC, Leading Sliwa by 40 Points

…safe or not safe at all. Twenty-four (24%) reported that they do not ride the NYC subway system. Twenty percent (20%) of females report feeling not at all safe compared…

Virginia 2021: Dead Heat in Governor and Attorney General Race

…voters expect the former governor Terry McAuliffe to win this November, compared to 44% of voters who expect Youngkin to win. When asked which candidate voters think will better handle…