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November 2019 National Poll: Support for Impeachment Declines; Biden and Sanders Lead Democratic Primary

…Democratic Primary, only 16% of Democratic primary voters think Bloomberg should. Asked the same question about 2016 nominee and former Secretary Hillary Clinton, 24% support Clinton running again. Kimball thinks…

New Jersey 2020: Generational Divide Between Biden and Sanders On Display

…at 22%, and Warren is at 10%. Of those voting for Biden, 84% expect him to be the nominee, with only 4% of Biden’s voters think Sanders will be the…

Ohio 2020: Biden with Large Lead Over Sanders in the Buckeye State

…on a ban of the sale of assault weapons, a majority, 61%, were supportive. Followed by 24% in opposition and 15% undecided.  The majority of Ohio Democratic Primary voters think…

Florida 2020: Biden with Commanding Lead in Sunshine State

…they are somewhat concerned, and 10% are not concerned at all about contracting COVID-19. Fifty-seven percent (57%) said that they think Coronavirus represents a serious threat in the United States,…

Illinois 2020: Biden Leads Sanders in the Prairie State

…The majority of Illinois are split on which candidate has the best healthcare policy: 50% think Bernie Sanders has the best healthcare policy and 50% think Joe Biden has the…

Ohio, Texas, and California 2020: Trump with Narrow Leads in Ohio and Texas, but has Widespread Expectation of Being Re-elected

…Ohio voters, 46% to 43%; when undecided voters are included, Trump’s lead slightly tightens to 51% to 49%. Despite the close ballot test, 62% of Ohio voters think Trump will…

Massachusetts 2020: Senator Markey Takes Lead in Senate Primary over Congressman Kennedy

…more moderate positions might have caused early supporters to shift to Markey.” Regardless of their preference, a majority, 60%, think that Markey will be re-elected. 40%, expect that Kennedy will…

Wisconsin 2020: Biden Maintains Seven-Point Lead

…of respondents said yes, 19% said no and 37% were unsure. On the matter if voters think the President should have met with Jacob Blake’s family during his Kenosha visit,…

Emerson College Polling Launches New Research Project: Unlocking the Hispanic Vote

…when they get into office it’s completely different,” a 25-year-old man said. A 38-year-old project manager said “I don’t think that your vote matters, to be honest—when [politicians] are up…