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February 2021 National Poll: America Giving Biden a Chance; Split on Trump Impeachment

…things are generally heading in the right direction. Democrats and Republicans are inversely split: 72% of Democrats think things are heading in the right direction as compared to 75% of…

New Mexico 2022: Democratic Governor Lujan Grisham Holds Five-Point Lead Over Ronchetti in Gubernatorial Election

…Mexico has increased in the past year, 6% think it has increased, and 29% think it has stayed about the same. Forty percent of voters think the current pretrial detention…

North Carolina 2022: Three Point Race For US Senate; Overturning of Roe v. Wade Makes Majority More Likely to Vote in 2022

…of voters (39%) think the North Carolina legislature should make it easier to access abortion, while 32% think the legislature should make it harder to acces abortion, and 29% say…

Texas 2022: Greg Abbott Leads Beto O’Rourke By Eight in Gubernatorial Election

…voters think housing affordability in Texas has worsened, 20% think it has stayed the same, and 7% think affordability has improved. Sixty-two percent of voters think crime in Texas has…

Despite Economic Hardship, Arizona Hispanics Stick With Democratic Party

…coronavirus and I think they have more regulations on things.” When asked if regulations are a good or bad thing, she said, “Sometimes I think it’s bad. Sometimes I think…

January 2023 National Poll: Biden’s Approval Recovers Two Years into Term, Trump Maintains Lead over DeSantis in GOP Primary

…in 2024, while 42% think it should be someone else. The share of Democratic voters who think Biden should be the nominee decreased six percentage points since the June Emerson poll,…

West Virginia 2024 Poll: Sen. Manchin Faces Uphill Battle Against Gov. Justice, but Leads Rep. Mooney

…over half of West Virginia voters (51%) think President Biden stole the 2020 election, while 35% think Biden won fair and square. A majority of voters (65%) think Trump won…

NY16 Poll: George Latimer Leads Jamaal Bowman, 48% to 31%

…35%.  Half (50%) of Democratic primary voters think the U.S. government is spending too much on aid to Israel in the war with Hamas, a third (33%) think the U.S….

July 2024 National Poll: Trump 46%, Biden 43%

…from 53% to 52%.  A majority of voters (56%) think the U.S. foreign policy is worse now than it was four years ago. Twenty-seven percent think foreign policy is better…