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Georgia 2020: Incumbent Republicans with Slight Advantages in Senate Run-Offs

…little crossover support, which suggests one party should win both seats.” Age Differences The Democratic base of support lies with 18-29-year-olds, who are breaking for Warnock with 71% of the…

Rochester Mayor Race: Spouse Arrest May Help Incumbent Mayor

…has a larger lead, 59% to 13%. Evans’ base of support is among White voters, where he garners 84% support compared to Warren at 11%. Conversely, Warren’s support is greater…

NYC Mayor 2021: Adams Stays Ahead but Rank Choice Voting Closes Gap for Wiley and Garcia

…rest of the field. Former City Hall counsel Maya Wiley and Former NYC Sanitation Commissioner Kathryn Garcia are battling for second, at 18% and 17%, respectively. Entrepreneur Andrew Yang is…

Iowa 2024: Biden and Trump Remain Frontrunners In Caucuses, But Both Losing Ground

…or there should not be bans on abortion. Thirty-six percent of voters think there should not be bans on abortion, while 24% think there should be a ban on abortion…

California 2021 Recall: Governor Newsom Rebounds, Poised To Avert Recall

…first Emerson/Nexstar Poll that has Newsom’s support over 48%, and shows the lowest support for the recall since March. Since the last Emerson/Nexstar poll in August, when voters were split 48%…

Boston Mayoral Poll: Wu Extends Lead in Preliminary Election, Second Place Still A Dead Heat

With less than one week until the preliminary election for Mayor of Boston, the final Emerson College/7News poll shows City Councilor Michelle Wu leading the field by double-digits, with 30%…

Buffalo, NY: Incumbent Mayor Brown Leads Mayoral Race with Write-In Campaign

…the funding for the Buffalo PD should be increased or decreased, a plurality (42%) of voters said funding should increase. Twenty-six percent (26%) said funding should stay the same, while…

October 2024 Connecticut 5th District Poll: Jahana Hayes 49%, George Logan 46%

…while 44% support Republican Matt Corey. Five percent are undecided. “Five percent of Murphy voters also plan to support Trump for president, compared to less than a percent of Corey…

October 2024 State Polls: Mixed Movement Across Swing States Shows Dead Heat 

…candidates. In Nevada, 48% support Harris, 47% Trump. Since the last round of Emerson/The Hill swing state polls three weeks ago, the race has shifted slightly: Harris lost a point…