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March 2019 National Poll: Sanders Tied with Biden; O’Rourke Gets Post-Announcement Bump

…the most, the plurality of voters (35%) indicated none, followed by 25% who picked cable news, and 15% chose newspapers as their most trusted source. 18-29 year olds are the…

September 2019 National Poll: Warren Surges, Biden Slips, and Sanders Holds, Creating Three Way Dead Heat for the Nomination

…support war with Iran, with 66% saying the US should not go to war with Iran, while only 12% support such action. Professor Spencer Kimball, Director of Emerson Polling, notes, “Perhaps,…

New Hampshire 2020 Tracking Poll Night 7: Debate Shifts Momentum for Candidates but Sanders Stays In Strong Position

…committed as 88% said they will definitely vote for him. Of the other top candidates, 64% of Warren supporters, 62% of Biden supporters, 56% of Klobuchar and 54% of Buttigieg…

Missouri 2020: Biden with Slim Lead on Sanders

…strongest with voters whose household income is under $50,000 a year as he gets 52% support among that group compared to Biden who gets 42%. With voters whose household income…

Missouri 2024 Poll: Sen. Hawley Leads Democratic Challengers Kunce and Bell by Double Digits

…and 17% are undecided. In a matchup between Hawley and Bell, 44% support Hawley, 34% support Bell, 5% support someone else and 17% are undecided.  “Male voters in Missouri break…

Wisconsin 2024 Poll: Trump and Biden on Track for Another Close Election

…when it comes to cars: a car that uses ethanol fuel, a car that uses an electric battery, or neither. A plurality (47%) prefer a car that uses ethanol fuel,…

Pennsylvania 2022 Poll: Oz Leads as Barnette Surges, McCormick Stays in Contention in Final Stage of GOP Senate Race

…(15%) are undecided, and were asked a follow-up question on who they are leaning towards. With their support allocated, Oz increases his support to 32%, followed by Barnette with 27%,…

Wisconsin 2020: Biden Maintains Seven-Point Lead

…past year and a half, this is similar to the Emerson March 2019 Wisconsin poll that found Biden ahead of Trump by eight points, 54% to 46%.   The most popular voting option…

New Hampshire 2020: Biden Leads Trump; Independents Splitting Their Ticket

…they are extremely excited. Thirty-one percent (31%) of Biden voters say they are only mildly or not that excited, compared to 14% of Trump voters that feel mildly or not…