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Massachusetts Public Opinion Survey of Vaccination Attitudes (July 2021)

…comparisons are made for categorical variables. A t-test is used in cases where comparisons are made for measurement variables. A Z-test is used in cases where comparisons are made between…

Economic Toll Weighs Heavy on Colorado Hispanics, Poll and Focus Groups Find

…community for survey respondents at 14%. Non-registered citizens in the survey were more likely to report housing and crime as pressing problems facing their communities compared to voters. A 62-year-old…

July 2019 National Poll: Biden Extends Support While Bernie Bounces Back

…two.”  Voters appear less excited for the second set of Democratic debates coming up this week, with 57% of respondents planning on watching some or part of the debates compared…

New Hampshire 2020: Sanders Holds Lead; Klobuchar Surges to Double Digits

…and is a competitor in New Hampshire.” Sanders continues to lead with younger voters, garnering 28% support among voters under the age of 50. Buttigieg and Warren follow him in…

New Hampshire 2020 Tracking Poll Night 6: Sanders Continues to Lead as Buttigieg Inches Closer

…supporters are the most committed as 90% said they will definitely vote for him. Of the other top candidates, 64% of Biden supporters, 63% of Warren supporters, and 47% of…

Iowa 2020: Dead heat with Biden and Warren, Mayor Pete continues to build and Sanders slides

…50. 21% of those under 50 support Warren followed by Sanders at 18%. Biden continues to lead with those over 50 – receiving  33% support from this cohort, followed by…

June 2019 National Poll: All Eyes on the Democratic Debates; Biden, Sanders and Warren Separate From the Field

…to 48%. Their continues to be a gender divide regarding the President: among males 47% approve and 47% disapprove, as compared to females where 49% disapprove and 39% approve. Trump continues…

Nevada Hispanic Poll & Focus Groups: Plurality of Hispanics Do Not Trust Democrats or Republicans To Handle Inflation

…Republican Party when it comes to Latinos. “The Democratic Party tends to use the Latino vote to get them to office.” She continued, “Like, during the election process, you would…

February 2020 National Poll: Sanders Takes the Lead for Democratic Nomination, Bloomberg on the Rise

…was murdered, 21% saying he committed suicide and 33% unsure. This is a significant shift from August 2019 when 34% believed he was murdered, 33% believed he committed suicide, and…