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New York 2022 Poll: Cuomo Is Potential Spoiler Candidate For Democrats In Governor Race

Zeldin, Giuliani, and Astorino Compete For Republican Nomination The latest Emerson College Polling/PIX11/The Hill poll of New York voters finds that if former Governor Andrew Cuomo were to run as…

New York 2022: Zeldin-Hochul Matchup Likely for New York Governor’s Seat

…Regarding the seven-month suspension of the New York gas tax, a majority, 52%, of Democrats think the tax does not go far enough to combat inflation, compared to 75% of…

June 2020 National Poll: Voters Want Justice for George Floyd as Trust in Police is Split

As protesters in all 50 states have come out against the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis Police officer Derek Chauvin, an overwhelming 87% of American voters…

Pennsylvania 2022 Poll: Republicans Are Undecided in Senate and Governors Races; McCormick and Oz Tied at 14% for Senate

…likely to vote for that candidate, and 26% report that it makes no difference.” When it comes to fair elections, Democrats and Republicans disagree: 75% of Democrats think the state…

New York State Poll: Governor Cuomo Struggling Amid Controversies

…a higher rate (43% approval/40% disapproval) than men (56% disapproval to 33% approval). In comparison, President Biden has a 52% approval/33% disapproval job rating, while 15% are unsure. A majority…

September 2021 National Poll: Americans Say US Lost War in Afghanistan; Blame Bush

…war. According to Spencer Kimball, Director of Emerson College Polling, “this comparison highlights the complexity of lasting conflicts. For three Presidents (Bush, Obama, and Biden), the voters see these presidents…

July 2022 National Poll: Midterm Ballot Tightens As Abortion Access Motivates Voters

…other issue group. Among the nearly 1 in 10 voters for whom abortion is the top issue, 89% are very motivated to vote this November; comparatively, 76% of voters who…

Illinois 2024 Poll: Biden Holds Nine-Point Lead Over Trump

…56%, saying there is nothing Trump could do or say that would alter their support in the coming months, compared to half (50%) of Biden supporters who said the same. …

January 2020 National Poll: Biden and Sanders Battle in Two-Way Race for Democratic Nomination

The first Emerson College/ 7 News National Poll of 2020 finds two clear front runners competing for the Democratic nomination. Former Vice President Joe Biden leads with 30%, followed closely…