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Texas 2020: Sanders with Slight Lead Over Biden Heading Into Super Tuesday

…and Businessman Tom Steyer at 2%.  Compared to the last Emerson College poll of Texas in August, Sanders gained 15 points, Biden dropped two points, Warren fell three points, Klobuchar…

October 2019 National Poll: Biden, Sanders, Warren Maintain Front Runner Status in Democratic Primary

…support from 18-29 year olds, 17% from 30-49 year olds and 44% of voters over 50. Warren continues to pull similar support from those under 50 and those over 50….

New Hampshire 2020 Tracking Poll Night 3: Buttigieg Gets An Iowa Bounce, Sanders Maintains Strong Lead

…increased from 12% on Monday to 17% on Tuesday night. This separates him from the field and places him in second behind the frontrunner, Senator Bernie Sanders, whose numbers held…

Alabama 2022: Britt Holds Double-Digit Advantage Over Brooks in Senate Runoff Election

…Director of Emerson College Polling said, “Britt’s initial ballot support in the runoff is higher among men than among women, she leads Brooks 55% to 31% among men compared to…

Florida 2020: Biden with Commanding Lead in Sunshine State

…definitely vote for the candidate they chose and 15% say there is a chance they could change their mind and vote for someone else. When it comes to what is…

February 2022 National Poll: Inflation Tops Nation’s Concerns, Perception of Covid’s Public Health Threat Drops

…posts from cable news outlets as the most credible source on social media, whereas 23% find posts from friends and family to be the most credible, 18% find traditional print…

Newsom Clings to Lead in Recall While Crime Becomes a Top Issue for CA Voters

The latest Emerson College/Nexstar poll of the California gubernatorial recall election finds voters remain split, with 46% in favor and 48% against the recall of Gov. Newsom. Six percent (6%)…

Massachusetts 2020: Sanders, Biden lead Warren in her home state

…with Dementia or Alzheimer’s. When asked if the Commonwealth was giving enough support for this disease, 72% agreed there should be more support, compared to 11% who felt there was…

April 2020 National Poll: Trump Down But Not Out, as Enthusiasm and Expectation Favor the President

…approval was 46% approval, 45% disapproval. Approval of the Presidents’ handling of the coronavirus is at 39% approval, a 10 point drop from the 49% who approved of his handling…