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Minnesota 2020: North Star State in Play for Presidential and US Senate Races

…79%, feel that online learning is worse for students than in-person instruction. Only 16% feel that online learning is better than in person, and a small percentage, 5%, said that…

North Carolina 2022: Three Point Race For US Senate; Overturning of Roe v. Wade Makes Majority More Likely to Vote in 2022

…of voters support expansion of Medicaid coverage for up to 600,000 low income people in North Carolina, 18% oppose Medicaid expansion, and 26% are neutral or have no opinion.  Voters…

Virginia 2021: Dead Heat in Governor and Attorney General Race

…more or less likely to support his candidacy, 22% said more likely, 39% said less likely, and 38% said it had no difference. When asked if parents or school boards…

Wisconsin 2020: Biden Maintains Seven-Point Lead

…election results regardless of who wins, 38% said very confident, 42% said somewhat confident, 16% said somewhat unconfident and 4% reported having no confidence at all.  A majority of voters,…

D.C. POLL: 64% of Residents Would Find Trump Guilty Ahead of Trial

…Director of Emerson College Polling, said, “Perception of Trump’s guilt varies by gender: 75% of women would vote to find Trump guilty compared to 54% of men. Men are more…

Illinois 2024 Poll: Biden Holds Nine-Point Lead Over Trump

…56%, saying there is nothing Trump could do or say that would alter their support in the coming months, compared to half (50%) of Biden supporters who said the same. …

New York District 12 Poll: Nadler Extends Lead Over Maloney and Patel in NY-12 Primary

…support is allocated, Nadler’s support increases to 51%, Maloney to 29%, and Patel to 19%. Since the August 5 NY12 poll, Nadler increased his initial ballot support by three points,…

Missouri 2022: Republican Eric Schmitt Maintains Double Digit Lead Over Democrat Trudy Busch Valentine

…heard of Schmitt.  Kimball noted, “Since last month, Busch Valentine’s favorability has increased one point, while her unfavorables have increased from 35% to 42%. On the other hand, Schmitt’s favorability…

Iowa 2024 Poll: Trump Remains Frontrunner; Haley Ahead of DeSantis in Race for Distant Second Place

…else, compared to 74% of Haley voters and 75% of DeSantis voters.” “In the past several months, no candidate has been able to chip away at Trump’s solid base of…