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January 2020 National Poll: Biden and Sanders Battle in Two-Way Race for Democratic Nomination

…is pulling votes away from Sanders with younger voters and this is a very interesting age dynamic.” Among Hispanic/Latino voters, Sanders and Biden have equal amounts of support at 33%….

New Jersey 2020: Generational Divide Between Biden and Sanders On Display

…break for Sanders at 28%, then Biden at 27% and Warren at 11%. Sanders leads among Hispanic voters with 31%, followed by Warren with 28%, and Biden with 16%. Among…

California 2020: Biden, Sanders, Warren in Statistical Tie in Democratic Primary; Harris Struggles in Home State

…34% of their support, followed by Warren at 18%, Biden at 16% and Yang at 11%. Sanders also has strong support from the Hispanic population of California, leading that group…

June 2019 National Poll: All Eyes on the Democratic Debates; Biden, Sanders and Warren Separate From the Field

…Among white voters, Biden received 28% support followed by Sanders with 27%, Warren with 16% and Buttigieg with 11%. And among Hispanic or Latino voters, Sanders leads with 44%, followed…

2020 Texas: Biden and Beto in Dead Heat in Democratic Primary.

…among those age 30-49 with 31%, and Biden leads among 50-64 year olds with 29%, and among 65+ year olds with 36%. O’Rourke does best with Hispanic voters, receiving 32%…

November 2021 National Poll: Biden Job Approval Drops Again

…approval and 39% disapproval. The drop in approval is greatest among Black/African-American voters, moving from 72% approval in February to 52% approval in November. Hispanic support dropped from 56% approval…

Newsom Clings to Lead in Recall While Crime Becomes a Top Issue for CA Voters

…favor of the recall (54% recall/39% keep) than those with a college degree (36% recall/59% keep).  Hispanics are the only racial group in favor of the recall (54% recall/41% keep),…

Majority of New Yorkers in Favor of Cuomo Resignation

…contrast, Cuomo’s approval is highest among Black voters (64% approve/16% disapprove), Hispanic voters (51% approve/34% disapprove), those 50 and older (50% approve/40% disapprove), and women (46% approve/41% disapprove). When asked…

Buffalo, NY: Incumbent Mayor Brown Leads Mayoral Race with Write-In Campaign

…are undecided, and 2% plan to vote for someone else. Brown is leading among Hispanics (75% to 22%), men (54% to 40%), and all age groups over 35 years. Walton…