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September 2024 Pennsylvania Poll: Trump 48%, Harris 48% 

…Voters were asked which presidential candidate they thought would be better for their personal financial situation. A majority of voters (51%) think Trump is the better candidate, while 44% think…

October 2024 California Poll: Harris 59%, Trump 35%

…think it would make the situation worse; 23% think it would have no impact. A majority (63%) think creating more opportunities for people to legally immigrate to the US would…

Spaniards More Hopeful than New Yorkers Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic

…was before the virus. Similarly, 54% of people in New York concur that life won’t be the same. Nearly 2 out of every 3 people in Spain think daily life…

May 2022 National Poll: Biden’s Approval Drops to 38%; 1 in 3 Say Memorial Day Travel Plans Were Impacted By High Cost of Gas

…13% are undecided.  In a hypothetical 2024 matchup between President Biden and former President Trump, 44% say they would vote for Trump and 42% Biden.  Half (50%) of voters think…

Massachusetts 2020: Kennedy Leading Markey by 16 points in US Senate Race

…35% of Independents think they are true, while 61% of Republicans think the allegations are true.  A plurality of voters, 46%, think Biden needs to release more records concerning the…

New Hampshire 2020: Biden Leads Trump; Independents Splitting Their Ticket

…A sharp partisan divide is seen on this issue, as 83% of Republicans think the Senate should proceed with a nominee before the January inauguration, and 84% of Democrats think…

November 2021 National Poll: Biden Job Approval Drops Again

…are split on whether they think the current United States labor shortage is a result of high demands from laborers or high demands from employers: 40% think both are responsible,…

NYC 2021: Adams Poised to be Next Mayor of NYC, Leading Sliwa by 40 Points

…City voters think, if a COVID-19 vaccine is approved for children 5-11, there should be vaccine mandates in K-12 schools. Thirty-one percent (31%) think there should not be mandates and…

September 2021 National Poll: Americans Say US Lost War in Afghanistan; Blame Bush

…which president holds the most responsibility for the war in Afghanistan, the plurality of voters (49%) think President George W. Bush holds the most responsibility, while 24% think President Joe…