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Connecticut 2022: Incumbents Blumenthal & Lamont Maintain Leads Ahead of Midterm Elections

…an unfavorable view of her. Four percent are unsure or have never heard of Blumenthal, whereas 24% are unsure or have not heard of Levy.  In the Connecticut gubernatorial election,…

South Dakota 2022: Majority of Voters Support Governor Noem for Re-election

…“While a plurality or majority of all age groups support Amendment D, it is most popular among voters under 35 at 56% support, and least popular among voters over 65,…

Illinois 2022: Democratic Incumbents Pritzker and Duckworth Leads Shrink as Republican Challengers Bailey and Salvi Gain Support

…vote no, and sixteen percent are undecided.  Fifty-two percent (52%) majority of voters think things in Illinois are on the wrong track, while 48% think things are headed in the…

Connecticut 5th District: Democratic Incumbent Jahana Hayes in Dead Heat With Republican George Logan

…Four percent are undecided. The undecided voters’ support splits evenly between the two candidates when undecided voters are asked which candidates they are leaning towards.  Spencer Kimball, Executive Director of…

Utah 2022: Senator Mike Lee Holds 10-Point Lead Over Evan McMullin

…say they are more likely to support a candidate endorsed by Trump while 42% are less likely to support a candidate endorsed by Trump. Twenty-two percent (22%) of voters are…

Oklahoma 2022: Governor Stitt Leads Hofmeister by Nine; Economy is Determining Issue for Voters

…Stone Yen and 1% support ​​Libertarian Natalie Bruno. Eight percent are undecided. With undecided voters’ support accounted for, Stitt’s support increases to 52% and Hofmeister to 43%. Eighty-eight percent say…

Colorado 2022: Senate Race Tightens but Bennet Maintains Lead; Polis Holds 14-Point Lead Over Ganahl

…region, and race/ethnicity based on 2022 turnout modeling. It is important to remember that subsets based on gender, age, education, and race/ethnicity carry with them higher margins of error, as…

New York Poll: Zeldin Momentum Stalls as Hochul Rallies Support

…on their vote.” Kimball continued, “Overall, male voters in New York are evenly split: 48% support Zeldin and 48% Hochul. Women voters are Hochul’s strong suit, she leads Zeldin by…

Nevada 2022: One Week Out, Republicans Lead Democrats for US Senate & 3 of 4 Congressional Seats

…State election, 43% plan to vote for Republican Jim Marchant while 41% plan to vote for Democrat Francisco “Cisco” Aguilar. Eight percent are undecided.  For Attorney General, 45% plan to…