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NYC 2021: Adams Poised to be Next Mayor of NYC, Leading Sliwa by 40 Points

…safe or not safe at all. Twenty-four (24%) reported that they do not ride the NYC subway system. Twenty percent (20%) of females report feeling not at all safe compared…

New Mexico 2022: Democratic Governor Lujan Grisham Holds Five-Point Lead Over Ronchetti in Gubernatorial Election

…and 41% view Ronchetti unfavorably. Nine percent are unsure or have never heard of Ronchetti, compared to 2% who have not heard of or are neutral toward Lujan Grisham.  “Of…

April 2023 National Poll: Biden and Trump on Track for 2024 Rematch

…of 44% from 2013 to 2023.  “Male voters’ opinion of the NRA differs from women voters: 50% of men have a favorable view of the NRA compared to 39% of…

Colorado 2020: Sanders, Biden and Warren lead Democratic Field; Democrats look to gain Senate seat

A new Emerson Poll finds a very competitive primary shaping up for Super Tuesday 2020 in Colorado with Sen. Bernie Sanders at 26%, former VP Joe Biden at 25% and…

Louisiana 2019: Governor Within Margin of Victory

…does fall short of 50%, there is a competitive race to watch between Rispone and Abraham to determine who will challenge Edwards on November 16th.” Kimball went on to say…

October 2019 National Poll: Biden, Sanders, Warren Maintain Front Runner Status in Democratic Primary

…voters at 45% and Independents at 28%, as compared among Democrats where 20% chose it as the most important issue. Voters are slightly in favor of impeachment of President Trump…

New Mexico 2020: Democrats Strong in the Land of Enchantment, but Split Between Sanders and Biden for Nomination

…districts, in comparison to the first district, where it looks like Sanders’s popularity is concentrated as he takes 38% of the vote there. President Trump has a 39% approval and…

Emerson College Survey Finds Audience Favors Joker for Best Picture

…The findings seem to reflect the success of Joker, which is the first R-rated movie to earn more than $1 billion at the box office. However, they are at odds with…

Texas 2020: Sanders with Slight Lead Over Biden Heading Into Super Tuesday

…and Businessman Tom Steyer at 2%.  Compared to the last Emerson College poll of Texas in August, Sanders gained 15 points, Biden dropped two points, Warren fell three points, Klobuchar…