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October 2019 National Poll: Biden, Sanders, Warren Maintain Front Runner Status in Democratic Primary

…voters at 45% and Independents at 28%, as compared among Democrats where 20% chose it as the most important issue. Voters are slightly in favor of impeachment of President Trump…

New Mexico 2020: Democrats Strong in the Land of Enchantment, but Split Between Sanders and Biden for Nomination

…districts, in comparison to the first district, where it looks like Sanders’s popularity is concentrated as he takes 38% of the vote there. President Trump has a 39% approval and…

Texas 2020: Sanders with Slight Lead Over Biden Heading Into Super Tuesday

…and Businessman Tom Steyer at 2%.  Compared to the last Emerson College poll of Texas in August, Sanders gained 15 points, Biden dropped two points, Warren fell three points, Klobuchar…

Ohio 2020: Biden with Large Lead Over Sanders in the Buckeye State

The latest Emerson College/Nexstar Poll in Ohio of likely Democratic Primary Voters finds former Vice President Joe Biden with 57%, followed by Senator Bernie Sanders with 35%, and former Rep….

Connecticut 2022 Poll: Lamont Leads Stefanowski in Gubernatorial Election

…age limit for elected officials, 35% say there should not be an age limit compared to 44% of 18-29 year olds,” Kimball said. Voters were asked what statement comes closdest…

New Jersey 2020: Biden and Booker with Significant Leads in the Garden State

A new Emerson College Poll of New Jersey likely voters finds former Vice President Joe Biden with a significant lead in the Garden state, with 55% of the vote and…

Ted Budd Solidifies Frontrunner Status in US Senate GOP Primary

…male voters support Ted Budd compared to 39% supporting Cheri Beasley, while female voters are split: 45% support Budd and 44% support Beasley.” President Joe Biden holds a 45% approval…

Georgia 2022 Poll: Herschel Walker Leads Senator Warnock 49% to 45%

…leads the field of Republican candidates for the nomination with 57% of the vote, his closest competitor is Gary Black at 13%; 16% are undecided. Warnock leads the Democratic Senate…

New York District 12 Poll: Nadler Extends Lead Over Maloney and Patel in NY-12 Primary

…somewhat (38%) favorable view of Maloney. Fifteen percent hold an unfavorable view of Nadler, 26% hold an unfavorable view of Maloney. This compares to 46% who have a very (15%)…