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Encuesta Hispana de Nevada y Grupos Focales: La Pluralidad de Hispanos No Confían en los Demócratas o Republicanos para Manejar la Inflación

…de grupos focales para comprender las actitudes y creencias de los hispanos hacia los partidos políticos, asuntos de política, la votación y los medios de comunicación. El estudio de Nevada…

February 2021 National Poll: America Giving Biden a Chance; Split on Trump Impeachment

…19% saying they are neutral. Despite Biden’s relatively high approval, a majority (54%) state they believe things are on the wrong track in the country, compared to 46% who believe…

North Carolina 2022: Budd Holds Five-Point Lead Over Beasley for US Senate

…and 21% are unsure or have no opinion. A plurality of voters (47%) support armed teachers in schools, while 35% oppose armed teachers, and 19% are unsure. Sixty three percent…

Governor Cuomo’s Apology Not Enough as More Voters Believe Harassment Claims

…knowledge on this issue. However, voters have maintained a similar attitude from earlier in the week, with 44% saying Cuomo should resign over the nursing home issue, compared to 45%…

Ohio, Texas, and California 2020: Trump with Narrow Leads in Ohio and Texas, but has Widespread Expectation of Being Re-elected

…and 43% are comfortable going to the gym with some spacing precautions. In Texas, 40% are comfortable going to a restaurant, 58% are comfortable going to the beach or a park,…

Encuesta Hispana de Georgia y Grupos Focales: 33% de los Hispanos ven a Trump y Biden positivamente 

…una combinación de una encuesta estatal y una serie de grupos focales para comprender mejor las actitudes y creencias de los hispanos hacia los partidos políticos, asuntos de política, la…

Coronavirus Testing Ramps Up in the City and More New Yorkers Benefit from Public and Private Assistance – Week 7 of CUNY COVID-19 Survey

…return to less restricted daily activities and restore more business operations successfully, testing must become widely available, routine, and not selective.” Economic issues: Assistance on the Upswing? More than one…

December 2023 National Poll: Economic Worries and Anxiety Driving Younger Voters Away from Biden

…while 24% disagree.  This sentiment decreases with age: 71% of those in their 30s believe their parents’ generation had better opportunities, compared to 70% of voters in their 40s, 62%…

June 2020 National Poll: Voters Want Justice for George Floyd as Trust in Police is Split

…43% saying they trust the police to protect the country’s people without prejudice, 39% saying they do not trust the police to do this, and 19% being unsure. Regarding the…