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Virginia 2024 Poll: Trump 45%, Biden 43%

…they should be made less strict, and independents think they should either remain as they are (42%) or be less strict (39%). Methodology The sample of Virginia voters consists of…

Missouri 2022: Republican Eric Schmitt With Double Digit Lead Over Democrat Trudy Busch Valentine

…the measure and 17% are unsure.  Forty-three percent of Missouri voters think sports betting should be legal in the state, while 31% think it should not be, and 26% are…

Texas 2022: Abbott Holds Ten-Point Lead for Governor; Majority of Voters Support Migrant Busing

…for both recreational and medical use. The plurality of voters (46%) think it should be legal for both medical and recreational use, while 37% think it should be legal in…

New York 2022: Hochul’s Lead Over Zeldin Tightens; Independent Voters Flip Toward Zeldin

…allowed in the third trimester, 36% think they should always be allowed, 29% think they should be allowed if there is risk to the mother’s life, 17% think they should…

Utah 2022: Senator Mike Lee Holds 10-Point Lead Over Evan McMullin

…more likely to support a candidate if they are endorsed by Romney, compared to 38% who are less likely to support a candidate endorsed by Romney.” Methodology The Emerson College…

Michigan 2022: Governor Whitmer Maintains Five-Point Lead Over Tudor Dixon

…their opinion of Tudor Dixon, compared to 32% who say the same for Whitmer. Thirty-four percent say the debate worsened their opinion of Dixon, while 33% say it worsened their…

November 2022 National Poll: Biden’s Approval Remains Underwater As Majority of GOP Voters Support Trump As Republican Nominee for 2024

…should regulate Ticketmaster to allow for more competition in the marketplace. A plurality of voters (38%) think Congress should regulate Ticketmaster, 20% think they should not, 23% are unsure, and…

Florida 2024: Trump and DeSantis in Two-Way Race for GOP Nomination

…Democrats think Joe Biden should be the nominee come 2024, while 39% think it should be someone else. When presented with a list of potential 2024 candidates, Biden holds 41%…

Philadelphia 2023: Mayoral Race in Dead Heat; Gym, Parker, Rhynhart, Domb Scramble In Crowded Field

…over 50, at 24%, followed by Domb at 21%. “Parker’s base of support is Black voters: 35% of whom support her for Mayor. However, she does not garner more than…